Frequently Asked Questions
What is the amount of the fee/assessment in my state?
Each state program is funded by a recycling fee (or stewardship assessment) collected in that state. The fee applies to each unit sold and a regulatory body in each state approves the fee.
- California – $16.00 per unit as of Jan. 1, 2025
- Connecticut – $16.00 per unit as of Jan. 1, 2025
- Oregon – $22.50 per unit as of Jan. 1, 2025
- Rhode Island – $20.50 per unit as of Jan. 1, 2024
Why do I have to pay a fee and what does it pay for?
States with mattress recycling laws (California, Connecticut, Oregon and Rhode Island) require that a recycling fee (called a stewardship assessment in Oregon) is assessed on each mattress and box spring sold to fund a recycling program that is administered by the bedding industry. The industry formed the Mattress Recycling Council (a nonprofit organization) to create and operate these statewide programs. MRC then created Bye Bye Mattress as a consumer-facing brand focused on educating consumers about where and how to recycle their mattresses.
A large majority of the fee enables MRC to provide collection locations with containers, transportation of the container to a recycler, and then the dismantling of those units. It also makes collection events possible. Other portions of the fee help communities address illegal dumping or go towards research projects that improve recycling processes or end markets for the materials. We are also informing the industry about these laws and their recycling options, as well as encouraging consumers to use their state program.
If I don’t plan to recycle an old mattress, do I have to pay this fee?
Yes. The recycling fee/stewardship assessment applies to all mattresses and box springs sold in the states of California, Connecticut, Oregon and Rhode Island to fund these mattress recycling programs.
Even if you aren’t recycling your mattress right now, a mattress doesn’t last forever, and will eventually be discarded.
A large majority of the fee enables MRC to provide collection locations with containers, transportation of the container to a recycler, and then the dismantling of those units. It also makes collection events possible. Other portions of the fee help communities address illegal dumping or go towards research projects that improve recycling processes or end markets for the materials. We are also informing the industry about these laws and their recycling options, as well as encouraging consumers to use their state program.
If I decide to recycle the mattress myself, do I still pay the fee?
Yes. The recycling fee/stewardship assessment applies to all mattresses and box springs sold in the states of California, Connecticut, Oregon and Rhode Island to fund these mattress recycling programs.
I didn’t pay this fee on my old mattress; can I still drop it off at a participating location?
Any resident of California, Connecticut, Oregon or Rhode Island can use the program in their state.
In California and Oregon – All mattresses and box springs, regardless of their condition or when they were purchased can be dropped off at a participating location.
In Connecticut and Rhode Island – All mattresses and box springs in recyclable condition, no matter when they were purchased, can be dropped off at a participating location.
What happens to my old mattress or box spring?
Your old mattresses and box springs are dismantled, and the steel, foam, fabric and wood are separated and used to make new products. Our Why Recycle page provides additional information about the recycling process.
What types of mattresses and box springs are ACCEPTED?
This varies by state, but generally:
A mattress can be constructed of all foam layers, or a mixture of foam, springs and other materials. A couple of exceptions apply:
- Only in California is a futon mattress that separates from the futon’s frame or base considered a mattress (Connecticut, Oregon and Rhode Island do not accept futons)
- Only in Connecticut is a crib mattress considered a mattress (California, Oregon and Rhode Island do not accept crib mattresses).
A box spring (also known as a foundation) is a platform or base that supports the mattress and is covered by fabric and remains stationary or is adjustable.
For Connecticut & Rhode Island:
If your mattress or box spring is severely damaged, heavily soiled, moldy, excessively wet or frozen, or infested with bedbugs or other organisms please contact your desired drop-off location for instructions. No-cost drop-off of units in these conditions varies by location. Fees may apply.
What types of items are UNACCEPTABLE?
The Mattress Recycling Council’s Bye Bye Mattress program is only available to consumers (individuals and businesses) based in California, Oregon, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Therefore, if the mattress or box spring was not used in the state it is being discarded in, or you don’t reside in the state you are discarding it in – it is unacceptable.
Other related sleep products are also not recycled under MRC’s programs. While collection locations and recyclers may be places you would discard these items, these items do not have to be accepted at no cost. These items vary by state.